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Application of Microfluidics in Antibiotic Resistance Research

书名:Application of Microfluidics in Antibiotic Resistance Research
作者:李冰 邱勇(著)


This book aims to show our interesting research that utilizes microfluidics as a powerful tool in antibiotic resistance studies. By providing a comprehensive overview of the field, from background information on antibiotic resistance to the latest advancements in microfluidic platforms, we hope to inspire the readers to explore the immense potential of microfluidics in combating antibiotic resistance and safeguarding public health.



In this book we summarize the achievements of our team in the antibiotic resistance studies using microfluidics since 2011 to date. It is divided into six chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of our work. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 focus on rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing and bacterial persistence to antibiotics, elucidating the design and construction of microfluidic platforms, as well as the importance of single cell tracking. Chapter 3 introduces the microfluidic method combined with flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing to reveal ARG transfer characteristics. Chapter 4 shows how to distinguish horizontal and vertical transfer of ARGs through single cell tracking, and concludes that vertical gene transfer (VGT) plays an important role for ARG spread in bacterial community after horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has happened. Chapter 5 explores the effects of various environmental conditions, such as heavy metal stress or disinfection, on ARG transfer using established microfluidic methods. At last, Chapter 6 presents our recent study of ARG dissemination promoted by microplastics using microfluidics, revealing the possible threats of microplastic pollution to human health and environmental safety. 



Chapter 1 Microfluidics for rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing

1.1 Microfluidic platform design

1.2 Observation and data processing

1.3 Comparison of bacterial culture by chips and traditional methods

1.4 Amoxicillin susceptibility testing of different bacterial strains



Chapter 2 Bacterial persistence to antibiotics revealed by single cell tracking

2.1 Discovery of opportunistic antibiotic resistance bacteria

2.2 Development of bacterial resistance under long-term antibiotic pressure

2.3 Effect of lag phase on bacterial resistance to antibiotics



Chapter 3 Transfer characteristics of antibiotic resistance genes in biofilms based on microfluidics

3.1 Mating assays based on microfluidics method

3.2 Transfer characteristics of ARGs in pure strains

3.3 Transfer characteristics of ARGs in bacterial community



Chapter 4 Direct observation and dissection of horizontal and vertical gene transfer in bacterial community

4.1 Single-cell tracking microfluidic chip

4.2 Dissecting of horizontal and vertical transfer of ARGs in the bacterial community

4.3 The effect of antibiotics on HGT and VGT in bacterial community



Chapter 5 The influence of typical environmental factors on antibiotic resistance gene transfer

5.1 Porous PDMS-agarose chip

5.2 The influence of heavy metals on the transfer process of ARGs in bacterial community

5.3 The dissemination potential of ARGs by DRB after chlorination disinfection



Chapter 6 Microplastics-associated biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance gene spread

6.1 Microplastic interceptor chip

6.2 Small-sized microplastics

6.3 Large-sized microplastics



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