Modelling of phase diagrams for renewable energy materials
作者:崔佳鑫 鄂殿玉 但家云
Today’s energy crisis is delivering a shock of unprecedented breadth and complexity.The biggest tremors have been felt in the markets for natural gas, coal and electricity with significant turmoil in oil markets as well.Moreover,the supply of electricity from clean energy sources must double within the next eight years to limit global temperature increase.Otherwise,there is a risk that climate change,more extreme weather and water stress will undermine our energy security and even jeopardize renewable energy supplies,according to a new multi-agency report from the World Meteorological Organization(WMO).Solar photovoltaics and hydrogen energy have been the most promising candidates for clean energy.However,its preparation process needs to be promoted to improve the practical application efficiency.It is urgent to study the related phase equilibria,thermodynamics and alloying principles,contributing to the improvement of the fundamental study for the solar photovoltaics and hydrogen energy materials system.
The purpose of the book aims to obtain a thermodynamic database capable of describing all experimental data available up to date.The book provides the thermodynamic parameters for the renewable energy materials systems which can be used as reference for scientific and technical personnel in its fields.This study provides a set of reliable thermodynamic parameters to solar photovoltaic materials and hydrogen storage materials thermodynamic database,and a cost-effective tool to design experiments and manufacturing processes for solar photovoltaic alloys and hydrogen storage alloys.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and motivation
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Structure of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Methods for phase diagram determination
2.2 CALPHAD(Calculation of Phase Diagram)calculation technology
Chapter 3 Thermodynamic Calculation of the S-Sb System and Cu-S-Sb System
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The phase diagram information of the Cu-S-Sb system
3.3 Thermodynamic models
3.4 Study procedure
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modelling of the Se-Sn-Te System
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental procedures
4.3 Literature information
4.4 Thermodynamic calculation
4.5 Results and discussion
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Thermdoynamic Modelling of the V-Zr System Supported by Key Experiments
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Phase diagram information
5.3 Experimental procedures
5.4 Thermodynamic model
5.5 Results and discussion
5.6 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Experimental Investigation and Thermdoynamic Modelling of the Ti-V-Zr System
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Literature information
6.3 Experimental procedures
6.4 Thermodynamic modelling
6.5 Results and discussion
6.6 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Experimental Investigation and Thermdoynamic Modelling of the Fe-Si-Zr System
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Literature information
7.3 Experimental investigation
7.4 Thermodynamic modelling
7.5 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations
8.1 Summary and conclusions
8.2 Recommended future work